Kamis, 3 September 2015
I debated with meat-eaters. We talked about love to creatures as a way to love
God The Creator. I told about love and taking good care for animals. But then
they said that meat-eater can also go to heaven.
I was
very sure they chose meat-eaters not because of their love to fisherman,
breeder, hunter or butcher or the similar. They just chose meat-eaters because
of their taste or addiction to meat or lack of knowledgement.
argument was very very selfish one. How come the lover of Creator at the same
time was “the killer” of the creatures.
agree killing animal is not the same as killing human. But animal feels also
pain, fear, or sadness just like human. I
don’t deny human still can go to heaven though killing animal. But, how selfish
you are while you’re going to heaven in this pilgrimage you keep eating living
beings that only have earthly life. Maybe a pig or a cow will not enter heaven,
so why don’t you let that body enjoys life in this same earth? Why do you make
that body’s life not longer? Naturally an animal can live about 10, 15 or 20
years then why do you make the life only a year or less? Don’t you have many other
choices to survive?